Open Bouquet API Reference

Welcome to the Open Bouquet API! You can use our API to perform analytics on your data-sources connected to your Open Bouquet server.

We have language bindings in Shell and HTML! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.

The best way to give a try to the API is to download Open Bouquet for free, install it on your laptop, plug a database, and start exploring! Open Bouquet website

Version 4.2.30

# you don't need to be authenticated to check the status
curl -X GET "http://yourserverdomain/v4.2/rs/status

This documentation is up to date with the version 4.2.30 of Open Bouquet.

You can get your OB server version by calling the /rs/status API:

The /rs/status API return the bouquet-server version and also the list of loaded database plugins bouquet-plugins.


To check if you need to authenticate, use this code for example:

# With shell, just check the analytics endpoint
curl -X GET "http://yourserverdomain/v4.2/analytics

If you need authentication you’ll get the following error, where loginURL is the authentication end-point. You can also use the selfLoginURL to be automatically redirected to the original URL after sign-in.

"error":"Auth failed : invalid access_token",

The authentication mechanism depends on the version of OB server you are using. By default the server authentication is turned-off.

When the authentication is turned on, it uses OAuth2. So you will have to retrieve an authentication token from the authentication server.

Note that by default, if you are not authenticated and you try to access the API, it will throw a 401 error code, with the authentication URL in the error message.

OB expects for the OAuth token to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

Authorization: Bearer TOKEN

For covenience you can also provide the TOKEN as part of the URL, using the access_token parameter:

GET http://yourserverdomain/dev/v4.2/analytics&access_token=TOKEN

Bouquet Concepts

This is a brief overview of the various concepts use by Bouquet to organize information.


A Project is the top level object that organize data-source model. First a Project defines how to accessing the data-source, through a JDBC url and required authentication. Also the Project defines which part of the data-source will be made available through the API, by listing visible schemas.

A Project also maintains a list of Domain.


A Domain is associated with a table or view in the data-source. A Domain can be created dynamically by Open Bouquet, or explicitly by a user. Also a user can modify a dynamic Domain to make it permanent and persist the changes to the model.

A Domain has Dimension and Metric attributes, which are dynamically mapped to the underlying data-source. A user can also modify any existing attribute, or create new ones. Those changes are then persisted in the model.


A Dimension is any non-aggregated expression defined on the Domain.


A Metric is any expression defined on the Domain. If the metric is an aggregated expression, it will be use as is. If it is not an aggregated expression, nor an analytics expression, it must be possible to apply an aggregation operator like SUM(), …

Since a Metric can be any expression, it can contain conditional operator like CASE(), combined with an aggregation operator.


A Relation defines how to join two Domains. It is defined by a left and right domain, and a predicate expression between the two. It also specify the relation cardinality.


A Bookmark is a simple way to create a custom view on your model. From a Domain, you can define a default analysis, select filters, restrict the dimension and metrics usable for pivoting. Bookmarks are also organized on their own inside folders, independently from the Projects - so you can mix in the same folder Bookmarks from different Projects.

Analytics API

The Analytics API provides you all you need to interact with your data:

List available content

This is a very simple example demonstrating how you can get the top level content in your account. In that example you don’t need to provide any parameter.

curl -X GET 
    --header 'Accept: application/json' 
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN'

This method retrieves all the content available for the authenticated user.

HTTP Request

GET http://yourserverdomain/dev/v4.2/analytics

URL Parameters

There are no URL parameters for this method.

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
parent false, default=/ This is the path of a valid parent container. If the path is not defined, or path=/, it will display the top level content. In order to view a child content, use path=. For example in order to list all projects, path=/PROJECTS. This is working like a standard Unix path, for example: /PROJECTS/MyProject/ to list MyProject’s domains, or /MYBOOKMARKS/some/folder to list bookmarks and folders. See
q false This is a search string that you can use to filter the result. Multiple tokens can be separated by comma.
visibility false, default=ALL If visibility is ALL, will show all existing content. If visibility is VISIBLE, it will only show objects that have been made explicitly visible.
style false, default=HUMAN defines the output style, check API reference
envelope false, default=RESULT defines the output content, check API reference

Parent parameter

This is an example demonstrating how you can list the projects available in your account.

curl -X GET 
    --header 'Accept: application/json' 
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN'

The parent parameter is a path. Each section of the path identify a valid container, using either its name or immutable ID.

When browsing the content, you can always use a child selfRef property to deep dive into it.

Top Level content

The top level container are immutable: /PROJECTS, /MYBOOKMARK, /SHARED

Project content

In order to list a project content, you can use it’s ID or name. Note that the name can change, so if you need to make a persistent reference to the project, it is better to use its ID (remember that by using the style=HUMAN, the API will return objects by name. If you’d better list by ID, you can use style=ROBOT. Note that in all case you can use aither name or ID t reference ID). So for example to list your project content you can use either:

Note that in order to list a project content, the OB server will request access to the project’s database, and update the content dynamically. So the first time you access it may take some delay depending on the database.


Both the /MYBOOKMARK and /SHARED paths returns bookmarks. The only difference is the bookmark visibility:

Both path returns a list of Bookmarks and Folders.


This is the reply from the previous API call for listing available projects

"parent": {
    "name": "Projects",
    "description": "list all your Projects",
    "parentRef": "/",
    "selfRef": "/PROJECTS",
    "type": "FOLDER",
    "link": "http://yourserverdomain/v4.2/analytics?parent=/PROJECTS&style=HUMAN&visibility=ALL&access_token=xxx",
    "upLink": "http://yourserverdomain/v4.2/analytics?parent=/&style=HUMAN&visibility=ALL&access_token=xxx"
"children": [{
    "name": "demo project",
    "attributes": {
        "jdbc": "jdbc:postgreql://databasehost:5432/demo"
    "parentRef": "/PROJECTS",
    "selfRef": "/PROJECTS/demo project",
    "type": "PROJECT",
    "link": "http://yourserverdomain/v4.2/analytics?parent=/PROJECTS/demo project&style=HUMAN&visibility=ALL&access_token=xxx",
    "objectLink": "http://yourserverdomain/v4.2/rs/projects/576002908294a27bac5a6946?style=HUMAN&access_token=xxx"

The reply has the following structure.

The parent node describe the current location of the parent parameter. For instance you could use it to browse upward, because it provides also parentRef property (unless it is the root folder).

The children node is an array of nodes, and it is the content of the parent node.

Each node has the same structure:

Property Description

The link provides you direct navigation into the content hierarchy. If the object type is a container, the link navigate to the content. If the object type cannot be navigated, it is a link to the associated query.

The objectLink provides a link to the detailed definition of the object. So it will redirect you to a different API depending on the object type. This API is actually the metadata management API that allows you to discover but also modify the model definition.

Query a Bookmark or Domain

This method performs a query on a Bookmark or Domain and return the result as a paginated data table.

The result of the query is automatically stored in the server cache, so it is not a performance problem to perform the same query repeatedly, no need to cache the result on the application side. You can also paginate the results to simplify display. Also it is a good practice to set a limit on the query, especially for interactive queries. Although the server will paginate the result internally to avoid memory overflow, you may have trouble retrieving the result in JSON. If you really need to extract a large table, prefer using the /export API method which provides streaming results.

It is possible to change the layout of the table using the data parameter.

HTTP Request

Example of running the default query for a Domain

# run a default query on the domain 'Sales' in project 'Demo'
curl -X GET 
    --header 'Accept: application/json' 
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN'

GET http://yourserverdomain/v4.2/analytics/<REFERENCE>/query

URL Parameters

Parameter Required Description
REFERENCE true The identifier of the Bookmark/Domain to retrieve

Bookmark/Domain Reference

Query Parameters

Note that you can use the API without providing any additional parameters. In that case the API will compute the default analysis for the reference. If it is a Bookmark, it will use the bookmark default analysis. In case of a Domain, it will do an no-op analysis.

Parameter Required Description
groupBy false A list of expression to group the result by. This is a multi-valued parameter. Note that the list can be empty, in that case the resulting dataset will be one row as maximum if you provide metrics to compute. Each value must be a valid expression in the Bookmark or Domain scope. See the Expression chapter for reference, but usually you will pass a dimension name you want to group the result by. Alternatively you can use a wildcard (*) as a value to replace the default reference settings. In case of Bookmark it will be replaced by the selected dimensions; in case of Domain it will be replaced by ALL dimensions (so use with care).
metrics false A list of expression to compute. This is a multi-valued parameter. Note that the list can be empty, in that case only the group by is applied (However the query will still perform a group by: if you want to export raw data you need to include an unique key in the list, such as a customer identifier). Each value must be a valid expression in the Bookmark or DOmain scope. See the Expression chapter for reference, but usually you will pass a metric name you want to aggregate the data upon. You can also use any valid expression (usually of numeric value) by combining dimensions, metrics and functions.
filters false A list of conditional expression to filter the data. Note that the list can be empty. Each value must be a valid expression in the Bookmark or Domain scope. See the Expression chapter for reference, but usually you can use any dimension of type conditional (also called segment), or create a simple condition using constant values for instance. You can also use any valid conditional expression by combining dimensions, metrics and functions.
period false the period expression is a shorthand to filter on a timeframe. The expression type is expected to be a date or a timestamp. You can use any valid expression in the Bookmark or Domain scope; usually you can just use a Date dimension (with or without indexing). You can use any function, especially date functions. If this parameter is set, you should provide a timeframe parameters too - see next one for details.
timeframe false the timeframe parameter is used to define the date or time range of the period. You can either use explicit values (in that case you should provide both lower and upper bounds, thought you can pass a null value to create a semi-open range) or use an alias value or a constant expression. See the Period definition for details.
compareTo false the compareTo parameter is used in conjunction with the timeframe parameter to create an automatic comparison between present and past metrics. Setting a value will automatically turn the compare feature on (see compareTo section for details) You can either use explicit values (in that case you should provide both lower and upper bounds, thought you can pass a null value to create a semi-open range) or use an alias value or a constant expression. Note that the alias values for the compareTo parameter are different from the timeframe parameter.
orderBy false a list of sort expression to order the results. Note that the list can be empty. Each value must be a valid sort expression in the Bookmark or Domain scope. A valid sort expression is any expression enclosed by the DESC() or ASC() functions. In order to define the value to sort on, you can use either an index value, the name of a column (Dimension or Metric), or any valid expression.
rollup false a list of rollup expression to define how to compute sub-totals. Note that the list can be empty. Each value must be a valid rollup expression identifying a query groupBy column. See Computing Rollup for details.
limit true the limit parameter simply allows to limit the number of rows extracted server side. This is mandatory for the /query API to avoid memory overflow. If you need a full resultset, you should better use the /export API which is designed to handle large number of rows, potentially exceeding the server internal memory. See Query Pagination for details.
offset false the offset parameter allows to paginate the rows extracted server side. Default value is to start at the first row. See Query Pagination for details.
maxResults false the maxResults parameter allows to control the client-side pagination, and defines the page size. Note that paginating is unexpensive since the complete query (with limit and offset) is stored in the server cache. See Query Pagination for details.
startIndex false the startIndex parameter allows to control the client-side pagination, and defines the page starting row. Note that paginating is unexpensive since the complete query (with limit and offset) is stored in the server cache. See Query Pagination for details.
lazy false when the lazy parameter is set to true, the server tries to lookup the results from the cache directly. If it is not possible, no actual computation is performed at all. Note that the server may try to perform some transformation if it cannot lookup the exact same query from the cache (that’s the smart cache). If the result is not in cache, the /query API returns an error code 404. See Controlling Query Execution for details.
timeout false The timeout is in milliseconds. If provided the request execution will be interrupted if exceeding provided timeout. In that case the API will return an ComputingInProgressAPIException. Note that the execution will continue server side, you are only interrupting the request. You can run the same request again (with or without timeout) in order to get the reply (each request is actually pooled, so performing multiple request is actually running the query only once). Note also that the error message contains a QueryID that identifies running query. You can use the /status/QueryID API in order to get information regarding the query (see /status API) or cancel the execution.
state false The state parameter, if provided, is used to apply the state configuration to the current domain. It will override any other settings. You can copy an application state - it will compute the corresponding query. Note however that an application can store custom information and do additional computation, that won’t be supported by the API. Also the state must be for the same domain for this to work.
data false This parameter defines how to layout the data output. You can use it in conjunction with style and envelope to further customize the reply. See the Supported Data Layouts for up to date information.
style false This parameter defines the reply style. The style can modify the response type in order to get a HTML version of the reply. It can also modify the content of the JSON reply by altering the way it references objects. If style=HUMAN the API will use object names, so you can read and easily understand the output; but on the other side those outputs are fragile to name change so you cannot use them to build an application for instance. If you need the references to be immutable, you need to use style=ROBOT; but then the output is going to be difficult to read. Note that you can switch between HUMAN and ROBOT easily, only the references are modified.
envelope false This parameter defines the content of the reply. You can use it to further customize what information you need, from a full reply including the explicit query as it is interpreted by the API, reply meta-information, header and data; or you can just ask for the data. See Style Parameter for details.

Default Query

If no parameter is provided, the method will try to compute a default query.

In case of a Bookmark reference, the /query API will compute the Bookmark pre-defined analysis, with default settings.

In case of a Domain, the /query API will just add the available metrics and compute totals. If a date or timestamp Dimension is defined, the /query API will also try to use it to restrict the query to the current month.

Using State

If a stateID is provided using the state parameter, the /query API will try to apply the state. Note that the state must be defined on the same Domain for this to work.


The expressions are all evaluated in the current Domain scope (if the reference is a Bookmark, it is its domain).

See the “Expression Reference Guide” for details about how to create expressions.

Defining Query

Group By and Metrics


Period & TimeFrame

The period parameter defines the expression to use as the main Period for filtering on timeframe and also to perform time-over-time comparison (see Comparing Present and Past Metrics).

Also once you defined the period, you can then use the __PERIOD alias in the expression you are using for other parameters (for example groupby or orderby; it also work with the /view API as x, y, color, … parameters). Note that you can use the alias __PERIOD also in expression, for example: MONTHLY('__PERIOD') to extract the first day of month of the date - if you want to aggregate results by month for instance.

Note you can also use the filters parameter to filter on period. This may be useful for special cases, e.g. to define a non-constant period filter… Also if you use directly the filter parameter, the __PERIOD alias is not available.

The timeframe parameter is an array of values that you can use to filter the data on the period value. If the timeframe is not defined, even if the period is defined, no filter is applied. If the timeframe is defined, you must also define the period (unless there is a default value available for it)

There are three ways to define the timeframe: * using explicit date range * using an alias * using a expression

TimeFrame defined using explicit date range

In that case you can just provide the date or timestamp value as a formatted string. The API supports the following formats: * ISO 8601 timestamp: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ * ISO 8601 date: yyyy-MM-dd * default Java timestamp format: EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy

TimeFrame defined using an alias

TimeFrame defined using an expression

The last method is to define a constant expression.

Comparing Present and Past metrics

The compareTo parameter accept the same definitions as the timeframe parameter, except for the aliases. The compareTo parameter defines a different set of aliases that you can use to easily define relative comparison:

ordering by comparison metric

Ordering the results

Sort Expression

defining how to sort

The easiest way to define a sort order is to use an existing resultset column and provide the position of the column. For example in order to sort on the first column: ASC(0) The position is zero-based, so the first column is 0, the second is 1, etc…

Computing Rollup

Controlling Query Execution

There is different ways to control the Query execution: * using Lazy execution to get result only from the cache * using a timeout to control how long to wait for the results * when the Query timeout it is then possible to monitor progress and cancel it, see Query Status for details.

Lazy execution

when the lazy parameter is set to true, the server tries to lookup the results from the cache directly. If it is not possible, no actual computation is performed at all. Note that the server may try to perform some transformation if it cannot lookup the exact same query from the cache (that’s the smart cache).

If the query is not in cache, the reply will state an error of cause NOT_IN_CACHE and a code 404.

Note that if you use the lazy=noError, the /query API will return a valid reply instead of an error code, with an empty resultset and a problem identifying the cause (not in cache). That may be useful in some situation!


Query Pagination

The API provides the ability to paginate results. There are two ways to paginate the results:

Database Pagination

The limit parameter defines the maximum number of rows to retrieve from the database. The offset parameter defines the first row to retrieve. For example:

Client Pagination

The maxResults parameter defines the maximum number of rows to send back to the client. The startIndex parameter defines the first row to retrieve. For example:

How can I paginate through a complete data-set?

You can use the database & client pagination and also the query result to easily iterate through a complete data-set. Say for example that you are running a new query without much knowledge of the size of the output. You are using some default values for pagination: limit=1000 & maxresults=100 in order to preview the results in a table. The /query output provides you information regarding the size of the data-set:

This is because the data-set is larger than the limit. So here the server hits the database pagination limit. In that case the flag turns to false to signal you that you can use the offset to keep retrieving data from the database. In order to get the next page, just run the same query using limit=1000 & offset=1000 & maxResults=10. Note that when, the returns the size of the current page.

You can also get information regarding the client pagination:


Table Header

Supported Data Layouts

The data parameter allows to select the output layout.

Data Value Table Layout
TABLE return a matrix, that is an array of row array. A row is an array cell values.
RECORDS return the table as an array of records. Each row is a record of the form {"columnName":value,...}
TRANSPOSE if the query has multiple metrics, transpose the table to create a row for each record/metric. It adds two additional columns metric and value
SQL additionally you can ask to retrieve the SQL code for the Query instead of the results
LEGACY return a JSON compatible with legacy API - this is for internal use only, you should not use it, it will be deprecated soon.

Note that you can play with the envelope parameter in order to customize further the reply. For instance if you want to get only the data as the reply, you can add envelope=DATA parameter. If data=SQL is used, this will return just the SQL statement. See Envelope Parameter for details.


In this examples we will use a project Demo that contains a domain Sales.

In order to make the example clearer we will use the POST syntax, and only display the json payload as example.

# run a POST query on the domain 'Sales' in project 'Demo'
curl -X POST 
    --header 'Accept: application/json' 
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN'
    --data '{

How to compute metrics by month and display it by pivot?

How can one create a query that returns the following table:

Country Total Jan 2016 Fev 2016
France 1.000 400 600
US 2.000 800 1.200

Let’s start with the simple query that returns the total for the selected period (from 2016/01/01 to 2016/02/29):

Country Total
France 1.000
US 2.000

query monthly Total by Country


We can easily add the monthly total to get the details:

Country Monthly Total
France 2016/01/01 1.000
US 2016/02/29 2.000

Query Monthly Total by Country with Rollup at Country level


We can also add the total by country using the rollup feature:

GROUPING_ID Country Monthly Total
1 France 1.000
France 2016-01-01 400
France 2016-02-01 600
1 US 2.000
US 2016-01-01 800
US 2016-02-01 1.200

Query Total by Country for the Period and for specific months

          ,"'Total' ON monthly(__PERIOD)=date(\"01/01/16\") as 'JAN 2016'"
          ,"'Total' ON monthly(__PERIOD)=date(\"01/02/16\") as 'FEV 2016'"]

Now in order to pivot, we need to add additional metrics for each required column:

Country Total Jan 2016 Fev 2016
France 1.000 400 600
US 2.000 800 1.200

Query Status

This method provides the status of a running query.

Export a Bookmark or Domain

This method is similar to the /query API but will stream the result as a data file instead of returning a JSON reply.

It support several format for export: CSV, XLS, XLSX

HTTP Request

GET http://yourserverdomain/v4.2/analytics/{REFERENCE}/export/{filename}

URL Parameters

Parameter Required Description
REFERENCE true The identifier of the Bookmark/Domain to retrieve
filename true The filename can be defined here to provide a filename when the user will be prompted to save the file. The name part is optional, but the file extension must be provided to define the format of the export
Filename extension Format
.csv Comma separated file with an header for the columns
.xls Excel file format
.xlsx Excel file format

View a Bookmark or Domain

This method can be use in conjunction with the /query API in order to output a representation of the results suitable for generating a chart.

For now it support the Vega Lite format: Vega Lite website

HTTP Request

GET http://yourserverdomain/v4.2/analytics/{REFERENCE}/view

HTML preview

You can interactively explore the /view API by adding the parameter style=HTML. In that mode the API will directly return a HTML preview including the Vega Lite chart. You can then adjust the specific /view parameters in order to explore the possibilities.

Explore Scope

This method can be use to list the objects available in a given scope. The list include:

HTTP Request

GET http://yourserverdomain/v4.2/analytics/{REFERENCE}/scope

URL Parameters

Parameter Required Description
type false the type parameter allows you to filter the scope by specifying the type of expression: DIMENSION, COLUMN, METRIC, RELATION, FUNCTION
values false the value parameter allows you to filter the scope by specifying the return value of the expression: DATE, STRING, CONDITION, NUMERIC, AGGREGATE
value false the value parameter allows you to specify an expression to be evaluated in the current scope. The /scope output will then be computed for the resulting scope of the expression. So if the expression is a relation, the scope will be computed for the relation target domain. Remember that you can compose expression using the dot .operator to navigate through domains.


API output parameters

All API methods returning data accept some parameters to modify the output:

Parameter Required Description
style false defines the output style. Values can be HUMAN, ROBOT, HTML or LEGACY. See next chapter for details
envelope false defines the output content. Values can be ALL, RESULT, DATA

Style parameter

This parameter defines the reply style.

Style Value Table Layout
HUMAN When the style parameter is set to HUMAN, the API will use name as object reference. This allows the reply to be easily readable by human. The drawback is that the information is fragile to name change, so you shouldn’t use it statically in your apps.
ROBOT When the style parameter is set to ROBOT, the API will use immutable identifier as object reference. That makes the information robust to name change, but you may have hard time deciphering it (unless you are NEO).
HTML This special style modify the output to be a static HTML page, instead of the regular JSON data feed. This is mainly used for exploring the API in a friendly way (think of it as a custom swagger UI). The HTML pages are actually good old forms that you can use also to input parameters and quickly see the result. It also provides some additional shortcut links to related queries you may need.

Envelope parameter

This parameter defines the content of the reply. You can use it to further customize what information you need, from a full reply including the explicit query as it is interpreted by the API, reply meta-information, header and data; or you can just ask for the data.

Envelope Value Table Layout
ALL This the default. It will return the full reply, including the original query as evaluated by the API (so it can be different than the query you send, because it will list all implicit settings and override), and the complete result including meta informations, table header and the data.
RESULT This setting will only return the result part
DATA This setting will only return the data with no additional information.

Model API

The Model API allows you to configure the meta-model, including project creation, customization of domains, creation of dimensions and metrics, configuring hierarchies and indexing, etc…


Managing Dimensions

These APIs allow to manage the Dimensions definition:

API Description
GET http://yourserverdomain/v4.2/rs/projects/{projectId}/domais/{domainId}/dimensions Get all dimensions for the domain
POST http://yourserverdomain/v4.2/rs/projects/{projectId}/domais/{domainId}/dimensions create a new dimension in the domain
GET http://yourserverdomain/v4.2/rs/projects/{projectId}/domais/{domainId}/dimensions/{dimensionId} Get a dimension definition
PUT http://yourserverdomain/v4.2/rs/projects/{projectId}/domais/{domainId}/dimensions/{dimensionId} Modify a dimension definition
DEL http://yourserverdomain/v4.2/rs/projects/{projectId}/domais/{domainId}/dimensions/{dimensionId} Delete a dimension definition

Dimension Definition

Attribute Description
id the dimension identifier
name the dimension name
type the dimension type: INDEX, CATEGORICAL, CONTINUOUS
expression the dimension expression defined in the domain’s scope
parentId if the dimension is part of a hierarchy, this is the parent dimension Id
attributes attributes are alternative values you can associate to a dimension member
options defines optional behaviors to control what user can do

Dimension Option

The Dimension Option allows to control how user interact with the dimension.

The option’s attributes are the following:

Attribute Description
mandatorySelection when set to true it is mandatory to include a filter on that dimension in any query. If no filter is defined on the dimension, the query will fail.
singleSelection when set to true user can only perform a single selection on that dimension
unmodifiableSelection when set to true the user cannot modify the dimension selection. In that case defaultSelection must be set.
defaultSelection this is a constant expression that is evaluated to define the dimension default selection
hidden when set to true, the dimension selection is not returned by the API
groupFilter this is a list of user group IDs to apply the option
userFilter this is a list of user IDs to apply the option

Restricting Option to specific user / group of users

It is possible to restrict an option to a set of user group or even specific users.

This is done by using the groupFilter or userFilter. If none is specified, the option will apply to any user.

Note that you can combine this restriction with the defaultSelection in order to create a user specific selection, by using the $'USER' parameter in the expression definition.

Setting the default selection

The default selection must be a constant expression. You can use: * any constant value of type String, Date or NUmeric * most of the built-in functions for example to work on date * dimension level parameters (see following)

You can use the following parameters to define it:

Parameters Description
$'MIN' $'MAX' If the dimension is continuous, those parameters will resolve to the range boundaries
$'USER' This parameter will resolve to the user context, where you can access user defined properties, e.g.: $'USER'.'systemAccountID'. This can be useful to create a filter that depends on the user running the queries


# add a simple default selection to a dimension and make it mandatory and single
curl -X PUT 
    --header 'Accept: application/json' 
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN'
    --data {

Management API

This is a set of APIs to manage the OB server.

Expression Reference Guide

This part describes how to write Expression and the available Functions to use.

Constant Expression

Constant type Example
Numerical 123.4
Text “Hello world”
note that you cannot change the date format when defining a constant

Referencing objects

Expression allows you to create references to a model object and to perform operations on their underlying values.

To create a reference, you can use two syntax:

examples of referencing objects using identifiers

// always enclose the identifier in single-quotes

// using a named identifier 
// without specifying the object type, 
// so the scope will manage the order
// in case of conflicts
'this is a identifier name'

// using an ID

// using a typed name, 
// in case of collision
[dimension:'this is a dimension']

// using a typed ID 
// only the ID is enclosed, not the type

Important: The resolution of an object identifier is case sensitive, and the identifier must be enclosed in simple quotes.

Object type Shorthand Explicit
Object by name
(Domain, Dimension, Metric or Relation)
'Name’ [dimension:'Name’] or @metric:'Name’
note: using the explicit form can be useful to resolve name collision
Object by ID
(Domain, Dimension, Metric or Relation)
@'someID’ [id:'someID’]
Parameter $'M0’ [param:'M0’]

Composing Expression

If an expression is an Object, it is usually possible to compose it with expression valid in the target object scope.

For example if the scope is the Sales domain, you can create the following expression to resolve the country of the customer:


You can also use the special expression $self to reference the domain itself, for example:


Naming expressions

Since version 4.2.2, Bouquet server allows us to give a name to expressions. Just use the AS keyword in the expression editor:

'metric1’ + 'metric2’ AS 'sum_of_both_metrics’

This can be useful when using custom expressions to compute an analysis. The resulting column in the data-table will have the expression’s name. Note however that if you define a dimension or a metric, the dimension or metric given name will take precedence over the expression’s name.


Operator Type Description
expr1 || expr2 Logical OR logical operator
expr1 && expr2 Logical AND logical operator
expr1 LIKE expr2 Logical Search for a specified pattern in a column
expr1 = expr2 Comparison Checks if expr1 is equal to expr2
expr1 > expr2 Comparison Greater comparator
expr1 >= expr2 Comparison Greater or equal comparator
expr1 < expr2 Comparison Less comparator
expr1 <= expr2 Comparison Less or equal comparator
expr1 != expr2 Comparison Not equal comparator
expr1 RLIKE expr2 Comparison Executes a “LIKE” comparison using a regexp expression
n1 % n2 Math Modulo operator
n1 + n2 Math Addition operator
n1 - n2 Math Subtraction operator
n1 *n2 Math Multiplication operator
n1 / n2 Math Division operator
n1 ** n2 Math Exponential operator (n1 to n2th power)

Math functions

Function Definition
ABS(n) Absolute value of number
ACOS(n) Arc cosine of n
ASIN(n) Arc sine of n
ATAN(n) Arc tangent of n
COS(n) Cosine of n
CEIL(n) Smallest integer value that is greater than or equal to a number.
COSH(n) Hyperbolic cosine of n
DEGREES(n) Argument converted to degrees of n
EXP(n1,n2) Exponential (n1 to n2th power)
FLOOR(n) Largest integer value that is less than or equal to a number.
GREATEST(expr1, expr2, …) Greatest value in a list of expressions
LEAST(expr1, expr2, …) Smallest value in a list of expressions
LN(n) Natural Log of n, where n>0
LOG(n1,n2) Log of n1, base n2
MINUS(n1,n2) Difference between n1 and n2
PI() PI number of n
POWER(n1,n2) n1 raised to the n2th power.
RADIANS(n) Argument converted to radians of n
RAND() Generate a random value
ROUND(n,[p]) Number n rounded to a given (optionnal) precision p. p can be negative, to cause p digits left of the decimal point of the value n to become zero.
SIGN(n) Sign of a number (-1 or 1)
SIN(n) Sine of n
SINH(n) Hyperbolic Sine of n
SQRT(n) Square root of n
SUBSTRACTION(n1,n2) Substract n2 from n1
TAN(n) Tangent of n
TANH(n) Hyperbolic tangent of n
TRUNCATE(n1,n2) n1 truncated to n2 decimal places.

Date functions

Function Definition
ADD_MONTHS(date,num_months) Returns date + num_months (can be negative)
CURRENT_DATE() Get the current system date
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() Get the current system timestamp
DAILY(timestamp) convert the timestamp into a date
DATE_ADD(date1,number,period) Add to date1 the number of period (unit in SECOND,MINUTE,HOUR,DAY,MONTH,YEAR)
Note: Adding two dates is not possible
DATE_INTERVAL(date1,date2,period) Compute the difference btw date1 and date2 in a particular period (unit in SECOND,MINUTE,HOUR,DAY)
DATE_SUB(date1,date2) Remove date2 from date1
DATE_SUB(date1,number,period) Remove from date1 the number of period (unit in SECOND,MINUTE,HOUR,DAY,MONTH,YEAR)
DATE_TRUNCATE(date,format) Truncate the date (it can be a Date or a Timestamp) depending on the format constant string:
if format=“day” then the result is the Date part of date (excluding the time)
if format=“week” then the result is the first day of the week containing date
if format=“month” then the result is the first day of the month containing date
if format=“quarter” then the result is the first day of the quarter containing date
if format=“year” then the result is the first day of the year containing date

Note: this is useful to perform weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly analysis (you can also use the shortcut functions DAILY(), WEEKLY(), MONTHLY(), QUARTERLY() or YEARLY())
DAY(date) Extract the day of the month from date
DAY_OF_WEEK(date) extract the day of the week date, between 1 and 7. Day 1 is sunday
DAY_OF_YEAR(date) Extract the day of the year from the date
FROM_EPOCH(n) Return a timestamp based on a numeric field representing the number of seconds since 01-01-1970.
HOUR(date) Extract the hour from date
MINUTE(date) Extract minutes from date
MONTHLY(date or timestamp) return the first day of month from the date
MONTHS(date) Extract the month in the year from date
MONTHS_BETWEEN(date1,date2) Number of months between d1 and d2
QUARTERLY(date or timestamp) return the first day of the quarter from the date
SECOND(date) Extract seconds from date
TO_DATE(timestamp) Convert a timestamp to a date
TO_DATE(text, format) Convert a text to a date with a specific format
TO_EPOCH(timestamp) Return a numeric value based on a timestamp field representing the number of seconds since 01-01-1970.
TO_TIMESTAMP(date) Convert a timestamp to a date
TO_TIMESTAMP(text, format) Convert a text to a timestamp with a specific format
WEEKLY(date or timestamp) return the first day of the week from the date
YEAR(date) Extract the year from date
YEARLY(date or timestamp) return the first day of the year from the date

Text functions

Function Definition
CONCAT(s1,s2) Concatenate Text1 and text2
LENGTH(s) Length of a text
LOWER(s) Lower case text
MD5(string) Calculates the MD5 hash of string, returning the result in hexadecimal
POSITION(s1, s2) Returns the position of s2 within s1 starting from index 1, 0 otherwise
REPLACE(text, from, to) Replace within the first text from text with to text
REVERSE(string) Returns reversed string
SPLIT_PART(string, delimiter, position) Splits string on delimiter and return the given field (counting from one)
SUBSTRING(text,n1 [,n2]) Substring of s, starting from index n1 optionally ending at index n2
TRANSLATE(text, from, to) Replace within the first text each single char specified in from text withto the corresponding char specified in to
TO_CHAR(number) Convert a number to a text
TO_CHAR(date or timestamp, format) Convert a date or timestamp to a text with a specific format. You can use any format supported by the underlying data-source. Check next § for a quick refernce guide
UPPER(s) Uppercase text

Date Formatting

This is just a quick reference guide for usual formats. You can use any format supported by the underlying data-source.

Format Definition
YYYY 4 digits year, e.g. 2016
YYY 3 digits year, e.g. 016
YY 2 digits year, e.g. 16
Y 1 digit year, e.g. 6
MONTH Month name (uppercase)
MON abbreviated month name
MM month number (01-12)
DAY name of the day
DDD Day of the year (1-366)
DD Day of the month (1-31)
D Day of week (1-7)

Regex functions

Function Available Definition
REGEXP_COUNT(string, regexp) RedShift only Counts the number of occurrence of the regexp within the string
REGEXP_INSTR(string, regexp) RedShift & Oracle Returns the position of the first occurrence found of the searched regexp within the string
REGEXP_REPLACE(string, regexp, replace) All but MySQL Replace substring matching a POSIX regular expression
REGEXP_SUBSTR(string, regexp) All but MySQL Extract substring matching POSIX regular expression

JSON functions

These functions are only supported by the Redshift plugin.

Function Definition
JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH ('json string’) Returns the number of elements in the outer array of a JSON string
JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TEXT('json string’, pos) Returns a JSON array element in the outermost array of a JSON string, using a zero-based index.
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(json string’, 'path_elem’ [,'path_elem’[, …]]) Returns the value for the key:value pair referenced by a series of path elements in a JSON string. The JSON path can be nested up to five levels deep.

Aggregate functions

Function Definition
COUNT(*) or COUNT([DISTINCT] expr) Count the no of rows returned or no of rows returned by expr
AVG([DISTINCT] value expr) Average value of ‘n’ ignoring NULL
DISTINCT(expr) Get distinct values returned by expr
MAX(value expr) Maximum value within an expression
MEDIAN([DISTINCT] n) Median of n, ignoring NULLs.
MIN(value expr) Minimum value within an expression
SUM(value expr) Sum an expression

VARIANCE([DISTINCT] n) | Variance of n, ignoring NULLs

Windowing / Analytics functions

You can apply an operator on a group of rows using the windowing syntax:

Function Definition
AVG([DISTINCT] value expr, [partition expr], [order by expr]) Average value of ‘n’ ignoring NULL
DISTINCT(expr) Get distinct values returned by expr
MAX(value expr, [partition expr], [order by expr]) Maximum value within an expression
MEDIAN([DISTINCT] n) Median of n, ignoring NULLs.
MIN(value expr, [partition expr], [order by expr]) Minimum value within an expression
RANK([partition expr], [order by expr]) Returns the rank of a value in apartition expression. Same values within a partition have the same rank and the partition can be ordered
ROW_NUMBER([partition expr], [order by expr]) Returns a number to each row to which it is applied in a partition expression. The number returned is unique within its partition and the partition can be ordered
SUM(value expr, [partition expr], [order by expr]) Sum an expression

Numeric functions

Function Definition
TO_INTEGER(expr) Convert a text, or a numeric field to an integer
TO_NUMBER(expr) Convert a text, an integer or a numeric field to a float
TO_NUMBER(expr,size,precision) Convert a text, an integer or a numeric field to a specific numeric format

Logical functions

Function Definition
CASE(condition1,then1,…,[else]) Group the data into sub-sets
ISNULL(expr) Expr is null logical function
NOT(expr1, expr2) Expr1 not equal to expr2 logical operator
NULLIF(expr1, expr2) Returns the first expression if the two expressions aren’t equal or a null value if the two expressions are equal

Miscellaneous functions

Function Definition
EXISTS(expr) Checks that a sub condition is matched. The EXISTS condition is considered “to be met” if the subquery returns at least one row.
LPAD(text,length,text) Left pad with the text the text to specified length
LTRIM(text,[character]) Remove leading characters from the text. By default, the character to remove is a whitespace
RPAD(text,length,text) Right pad with the text the text to specified length
RTRIM(text,[character]) Remove trailing characters from the text. By default, the character to remove is a whitespace
TRIM(text, [character]) Remove leading and trailing characters from the text. By default, the character to remove is a whitespace


The Kittn API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Your request sucks
401 Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong
403 Forbidden – The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only
404 Not Found – The specified kitten could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method
406 Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t json
410 Gone – The kitten requested has been removed from our servers
418 I’m a teapot
429 Too Many Requests – You’re requesting too many kittens! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.