
Daily Feeds

Files transfer

We require a daily feed to be uploaded into a dedicated S3 folder created for your platform. Please contact for its setup.


This folder, hosted on Bouquet’s AWS account is explicitelly restricted on your IAM role to ensure privacy

Files format & naming

Please ensure to use the following format when generating files for the daily feed:

  • File encoding : UTF-8 only

  • File compression: Always compressed in GZIP

  • Rows format: Delimited

  • Separator: ',' (comma)

  • Field delimiter (text only): '"' (double quote)

  • Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

  • Timestamp format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:mm:SS.FFF in UTC time zone

  • Boolean format: 0 (false) & 1 (true) only

  • Null values: leave field blank

  • Decimal separator: '.' (dot)

  • Escape char: '\' (please escape the field delimiter & the escape char within delimited fields )

  • Header: fields name on top , they can follow your own naming convention

Please generate file names as follow: YYYYMMDD_tablename.csv.gz
tablename is one of the following value :

  • "retrieval",

  • "search" or "search_detail",

  • "account", "account_hierarchy", "article", "content", "database", "collection", "publisher", "application", "format"

  • "subscription", "subscription_suspension","subscription_exception","database_content"