
Counter Reports

With Inqwell Counter data model, you can implement any Counter Release 4 reports.
Counter Release 3 reports are also supported but not part of the standard offer.

An automated data processing is in charge of consolidating event data first to an daily level then to a monthly level.
Counter reports rely on this monthly level. According to the report requested, data is being filtered in a specific way. As consequence it is necessary to correctly send event & reference data so they get counted in the correct report.
We describe below requirements in order to understand how to send data in the right way



Book Report 1 (R4)

Retrievals with format eligible for book reports, no turnaway, content of type “Book”

Book Report 2 (R4)

Retrievals with format eligible for book reports, no turnaway, content of type “Book Chapter”

Book Report 3 (R4)

Retrievals with content of type “Book” & turnaway, any format

Book Report 4 (R4)

Retrievals with content of type “Book Chapter” & turnaway, any format

Consortium Report 1 (R4)

Retrievals havwithing content of type “Journal” or “Book”, no turnaway, formats for Book or Journal Reports, only from a parent flagged as consortium
0 Usage Mandatory

Consortium Report 2 (R4)

Result Clicks: Retrievals having a non null value in “From search id” & a format eligible for Database reports
Result Views: Abstract & citation formats, content of type Journal or Book:
Searches (federated or not): searches data, only from a parent flagged as consortium
0 Usage Mandatory

Consortium Report 3 (R4)

Retrievals without turnaway, archive flag off, open access off, format eligible for Counter multimedia reports, only from a parent flagged as consortium, any content type

Database Report 1 (R4)

Result Clicks: Retrievals having a non null value in “From search id” & a format eligible for Database reports
Result Views: Abstract & citation formats, content of type Journal or Book:
Searches (federated or not): searches data
0 Usage Mandatory

Database Report 2 (R4)

Retrievals having content of type “Journal” or “Book”, with turnaway flag

Journal Report 1 (R4)

Retrievals having content of type “Journal”, no turnaway, format eligible for Counter journal reports
0 Usage Mandatory

Journal Report 1 GOA (R4)

Retrievals having content of type “Journal”, no turnaway, format eligible for Counter journal reports, open access flag set to true
0 Usage Mandatory

Journal Report 1a (R4)

Retrievals having content of type “Journal”, no turnaway, format eligible for Counter journal reports, archived set to true
0 Usage Mandatory

Journal Report 2 (R4)

Retrievals having content of type “Journal” & turnaway

Journal Report 3 (R4)

Retrievals having content of type “Journal”, no turnaway, format eligible for Counter items reports

Journal Report 5 (R4)

Article reference table provided with year of publication, retrievals sent with article id
Article in press flag if relevant

Multimedia Report 1 (R4)

Retrievals without turnaway, archive flag off, open access off, format eligible for Counter multimedia reports, only from a parent flagged as consortium, any content type

Platform Report 1 (R4)

Retrievals having a value in “From search id”, search tables, and other criterias involved for Journal reports

All standard Counter reports may not be useful for your business. In the other hand you may require some of the optional reports. This can be handle during the setup phase.

Also depending your organisation & business, some tables or columns can be skipped

  • Zero usage: this is not mandatory, so if you don’t want this feature, you can just skip extraction of tables required in the corresponding sheet of the Counter data model

  • Article reference data is mandatory for Journal Report 5 (R4), no need to send it if this report is not for you.

  • Some fields may not be relevant (ex article in press flag), in such case these fields can be left to blank.


Please inform Squid Solutions during setup phase of the list of feeds or fields you would like to skip