

Does this application handle accounts hierarchy?

Yes it does, with the help of a parents-childs hierarchy. A parent can have multiple children and a child can have multiple parents.
Also full updates allow to automatically historize configurations for accurate reporting across the time (a child will appear or not depending when it has been added/removed from a hierarchy).
Usage can also be cumulated across hierarchies, or part of them, & be reported at any node of any hierarchy.

Does this application handle 0 usage?

Yes it does, with the help of a simplified subscription data model.
Also it allows to handle exclusions in parent child, addition or removal of databases, addition or removal of content within databases.
All these changes are automatically historized for better & accurate reporting across the time:

  • A content will appear / be removed from 0 usage at the correct time

  • A database will appear / be removed from 0 usage at the correct time

  • And if a child is not granted for some content, this will be also reflected accurately

Does this application handle publishers update?

Yes it does, if a journal or book goes to another publisher, the reporting will accurately shows the usage at publisher level at the correct time.

Does this application generates XML Sushi/Counter compliant?

Yes it does, for version 1.6 (Sushi) & 3.0 & 4.1 (Counter)

Does this application handle authors’ level metrics?

We already collect basic author information at article level. This is reportable in Usage reports

More generally does this application support custom reporting?

This is indeed possible. A custom project is put in place in such case, involving SquidSolutions consulting team to setup requirements & implementation with you.